How long will my order take to arrive?
When you order from our website, we will ensure that your Order gets dispatched within 24 hours of confirmation and gets delivered within 2-7 business days. However, the delivery time of your order depends on shipment type and your location. Please check on individual product display page and also on the order summary for estimated delivery time.
Are there any shipping charges?
Shipping will cost extra.
Why is the delivery time different for different products?
To provide you with a plethora of shopping options, we have partnered with several brands. Some products in our catalog are directly shipped from these partner locations. Usually takes 3-7 days more to reach your doorstep.
Some products in our catalog are heavy or bulky and shipped through our surface logistics partner. These orders may take longer than usual.
I am going out of town. Can you expedite my delivery?
We, at ArtistryC take immense pride in being lightning fast. The current logistics infrastructure in India today doesn’t allow us to expedite further at this time.